Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)

Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023)
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Design Sketches
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Design Sketches
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Design Sketches
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Design Sketches
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Design Sketches – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Design Sketches – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Design Sketches – Interior
Triumph TR25 by Makkina (2023) – Design Sketches – Interior
Иллюстрации: Makkina
Рейтинг:  6    -0    +6
Although you’re unlikely to have ever heard its name, Makkina has been designing cars for industry giants since 1998. To celebrate its 25th anniversary, it decided to create a one-off show car to make sure that you learn its name, and the result is the stunning Triumph TR25.
Дизайнерское ателье Makkina представило концепт TR25, созданный под маркой Triumph несмотря на то, что британская компания перестала выпускать автомобили ещё в 1984 году. Минималистичным электрокаром, разработанным при участии BMW, ателье отмечает сразу несколько юбилеев.

Проект призван отметить 25-летие самой компании Makkina, вековой юбилей первого автомобиля Triumph Motor Company и 70 лет с момента установления одним из спорткаров компании мирового рекорда скорости. В 1953 году почти серийный прототип под названием TR2 MCV575 смог разогнаться до 200,9 км/ч, что стало на тот момент рекордом для машин с двигателями объёмом менее 2,0 литра. Сейчас он хранится в одном из музеев Великобритании.

Концепт Triumph TR25 получил ультракороткие свесы, плоский капот, двери без ручек и крупные колеса. Задняя оптика будто прорезает корму по вертикали, а передние фары, отсылающие к оригинальному TR2, отмечены световой подписью с цифрами 2 и 5 — в честь юбилея Makkina.

По умолчанию родстер одноместный, но по желанию можно откинуть крышку слева от водительского сиденья, под которой скрывается дополнительное кресло для пассажира. Двери у TR25 гильотинного типа. Салон оформлен максимально лаконично с небольшой приборной панелью, отображающей только самую важную информацию, и трехспицевым мультирулем — еще одним напоминанием о TR2.

Шоу-кар построен на платформе BMW i3, что неудивительно, так как торговая марка Triumph Motor Company принадлежит баварцам. Сам хэтчбек сняли с производства в прошлом году. Его европейский вариант оснащался одномоторной установкой на 184 лошадиные силы, разгоняющим его с места до 100 километров в час за 6,9 секунды. Запас хода составлял 260-330 километров, что довольно скромно по нынешним меркам. Характеристики концепта, однако, не раскрываются.


Little of Makkina’s highly confidential work reaches the public, so in 2023, 100 years since the Triumph name first appeared on a production car and 70 years after its record was secured, Makkina unveiled their Triumph TR25 show car, a testament to the high calibre of creativity and craftsmanship that make us who we are.

A celebration of the great British roadster, paying particular homage to the record-breaking ‘Jabbeke’ Triumph TR2, MVC575, which broke the land speed record for production cars under two litres in 1953, Makkina has reimagined the legendary vehicle as a contemporary piece of cutting-edge automotive design.


Characterful yet purposeful, the exterior of Makkina’s Triumph TR25 is a culmination of our attention to detail and the breadth of our design experience. Drawing inspiration from previous Triumph sports cars alongside our muse, the ‘Jabbeke’ TR2, our design evokes a sense of heritage whilst placing the modern driver first and foremost. Stylishly simple and unmistakably British, Makkina’s TR25 embraces its TR2 ancestry, repositioning it for the modern day.

The exterior design of the TR25 is a pure form of balanced proportions and a purposeful stance. The concept refines the essential features of the original ‘Jabekke’ to its core elements, seamlessly combining its attributes into a compelling sculptural design statement.

Makkina developed an exclusive exterior colour to reference the original vehicle and emphasise highlights and shadows on its undulating exterior form.


The interior of the TR25 celebrates the essence of automotive design, harking back to an era before enlarged touchscreens dominated the dashboard. Our vision is for technology to enhance the driving experience, discreet enough to not detract from the minimalist interior design or, above all, the enjoyment of the road ahead. With the driver literally at the centre of the experience, the TR25 has one single driver’s seat and an optional flip-out jump seat for a passenger.

With an eye on the power-to-weight distribution and minimalist interior, Makkina offers a pioneering solution to the seating position, which remains static while the pedal box and steering adjust to suit the individual driver. Extensively tested on an interior buck, this tailor-made seating concept ensures that even those six feet tall and above can sit and drive the car in total comfort. Not only that, but this innovation references the motorsport origins of the car on which it is based, transporting the modern-day driver to the thrills of the ‘Jabbeke’ TR2 speed run.

The central spine of the TR25 provides structural rigidity in the cockpit, crucial in an open-top roadster. Manufactured from F1-grade composite materials, it runs from the front to the rear of the cabin extending into the structural frame of the driver’s seat and flip-out jump seat.

The cockpit is similarly inspired by the TR2, embellished with contemporary, driver-focused details. A self-centering dial is embedded in a Union Jack-inspired steering wheel and a central binnacle holding retro-futuristic displays illustrates road speed, level of charge and range.

The simplicity and strength of the interior concept further enhances Makkina’s exceptional ability to combine storytelling and envision a futuristic take on a brand replete with heritage.


Many ask what came first, the brand or the car. For Makkina, it was the car that inspired us to reawaken the ‘Jabbeke’ Triumph TR2, MVC575 in its new form.

From the very first pen stroke to subsequent digital surfacing in Computer-Aided- Styling (CAS), the Makkina design team committed to staying true to our muse and inspiration, the original ‘Jabbeke’ Triumph TR2, while ensuring its place in history with a modern interpretation of the iconic design.

Makkina’s design team collaborated with a leading show car builder, operating from a state-of-the-art facility in Germany, to build the TR25 show car that would eventually be unveiled at Woods Quay, London on July 13th 2023.

Triumph’s products were always entertaining to drive, with a premium feel, enjoyed and respected by enthusiasts worldwide. With Makkina’s homage to the Jabbeke car, it was important to create a statement that suits the marque’s British identity in a context relevant to today.
– Michael Ani, Founder / Director
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