2023 Nissan Hyper Urban

Nissan Hyper Urban Concept, 2023
Nissan Hyper Urban Concept, 2023
Nissan Hyper Urban Concept, 2023
Nissan Hyper Urban Concept, 2023
Nissan Hyper Urban Concept, 2023
Nissan Hyper Urban Concept, 2023
Nissan Hyper Urban Concept, 2023
Nissan Hyper Urban Concept, 2023
Nissan Hyper Urban Concept, 2023
Nissan Hyper Urban Concept, 2023
Nissan Hyper Urban Concept, 2023 – Interior
Nissan Hyper Urban Concept, 2023 – Interior
Иллюстрации: Nissan
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The Nissan Hyper Urban concept previews the design and technological capabilities of future EVs from the brand
Представлен сверхтехнологичный концепт-кар Nissan Hyper Urban. Серийным автомобиль, который Nissan показала на открывшемся автосалоне в Токио, не станет: его задача продемонстрировать развитие дизайна и возможности будущих моделей марки, а именно электрокаров. Главная технологическая особенность концепта — возможность обновлять оборудование на более современное. Например, приборную панель, которая открывает доступ к «последним технологиям и тенденциям в области графических пользовательских интерфейсов».

Hyper Urban в значительной степени отличается от серийного Ariya: у него угловатый кузов с «горбатым» капотом, заостренной передней частью и кормой. Стойки сильно завалены, а двери открываются по необычной схеме вверх — как передние, так и задние. Нестандартно выглядят и кресла: их можно сложить таким образом, что они образуют своеобразные «шезлонги». По центру между ними установлен прямоугольный экран.

О силовой установке концепта Nissan не упоминает вовсе. Известно лишь то, что Hyper Urban может выступать в роли внешнего источника энергии, например, чтобы обеспечить на некоторое время электричеством небольшой дом.

Hyper Urban стал первым из серии электрических концептов, которые Nissan подготовил для Токийского автосалона. Логично предположить, что все они будут на альтернативных источниках энергии, так как японский автопроизводитель взял курс на электрификацию.

YOKOHAMA, Japan – In the lead up to the Japan Mobility Show in Tokyo later this month, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. is revealing a series of exciting all-electric concept vehicles, the first of which is the Nissan Hyper Urban, digitally revealed today.

The series, to be revealed one by one in digital form leading up to the show’s press day on October 25, features the word hyper to express the heightened excitement they aim to bring. Each concept is represented by a symbolic character and has custom-tailored features that add value to unique lifestyles and diverse aspirations. The concepts help customers make a positive impact on the planet without compromising on style or fun.

Nissan's vision for the Japan Mobility Show embodies the company’s unwavering dedication to enriching people’s lives and to revolutionizing the electric-vehicle (EV) landscape with transformative products and technologies.

The Nissan Hyper Urban premiered digitally today at Nissan’s new design presentation hall within the Nissan Technical Center in Atsugi, Kanagawa.

The Nissan Hyper Urban: Empowering a cleaner world

The Nissan Hyper Urban’s styling perfectly complements the sophisticated tastes of its target users, such as urban- and suburban-based professionals who prioritize environmental sustainability.

Characterized by a sleek and modern aesthetic, the vehicle’s design expresses the users’ discerning taste, making a bold statement while also effectively blending in with their environment.

The Nissan Hyper Urban would also be fully interwoven into the EV ecosystem, with its impressive V2H function providing power to the home, resulting in significant energy cost savings and reducing strain on the power grid. Thanks to its V2G capability, owners can even contribute surplus power to the grid to support their local community and earn money in the process. The Intelligent Charging Management System features AI that can autonomously charge vehicles and power buildings, providing efficient management of power.

The concept also applies sustainability to vehicle lifespan, making it ideal for people conscious of the long-term value of everything they own. Hardware updates and regular software updates provide a fresh ownership experience over many years. For example, the interior can be refreshed with a new instrument panel that reflects the latest technologies and trends in graphic user interfaces.

The car represents future design and technological capabilities of Nissan’s electric offerings. The exterior’s lime yellow body changes chromatic expressions depending on the angle that light hits it, effectively drawing attention while also blending into the surrounds. The front and rear scissor doors provide a sense of openness and character, while the sporty silhouette produces aerodynamic excellence for increased efficiency. Wide tires complete the sporty look, evoking rugged dynamics with urban aesthetics.

The interior is designed to blend in with urban living spaces. Inspired by kaleidoscopic triangles, the instrument panel and display can be customized according to the owner’s mood. In addition, the front seats can collapse and fold into the back seats, creating a sofa-like, private relaxing space. When away from the daily grind, the Nissan Hyper Urban can seamlessly integrate relaxation and utility: Park it inside a loft apartment or bungalow so that it becomes an interior space to unwind.
По материалам: motor.ru; Nissan Press Release
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