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2023 Lexus LF-ZC

Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Interior
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Interior
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Interior
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Interior
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Interior
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Interior
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Interior
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Interior
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Interior
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Interior
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Interior
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Interior
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Interior
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Interior
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Interior
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Interior
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Design Sketch
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Design Sketch
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Design Sketch
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Design Sketch
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Design Sketch
Lexus LF-ZC Concept, 2023 – Design Sketch
Bilder: Lexus
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LF-ZC battery electric sedan concept, previewing a new production model scheduled for launch in 2026
У Lexus появился дальнобойный электрический хэтчбек. В рамках выставки Japan Mobility Show в Токио состоится премьера нового концепт-кара Lexus, который назвали LF-ZC. Это однообъёмный автомобиль с электрической силовой установкой, который проезжает на одном заряде батареи до 1000 километров. Новинка не только демонстрирует развитие дизайна «зеленых» моделей Lexus, но и имеет все шансы стать серийной примерно через три года.

LF-ZC — это 4,75-метровый хэтчбек с коротким задним свесом, небольшым дорожным просветом и впечатляющим коэффициентом аэродинамического сопротивления — 0,2. Кузов состоит из трех цельнокованных элементов, которые сварены воедино, а основой служит принципиально новая архитектура с плоской тяговой батареей. Пока Lexus рассказал лишь о том, что у электрокара полный привод, а управление осуществляется по проводам — руль физически не связан с колесами.

В салоне у LF-ZC цифровая панель приборов, а по обе стороны от руля установлены два дополнительных экрана. На тот, что слева, выводится информация о силовой установке, с него же можно управлять электроникой. Правый отведен под настройки климатической системы и взаимодействие с голосовым ассистентом. Также есть большой проекционный дисплей и прямоугольный тачскрин мультимедийной системы, смещенный в сторону переднего пассажира. В Lexus отмечают, что на LF-ZC дебютировала новейшая операционная система Arene, но больше никаких подробностей об оснащении не приводит.

Помимо LF-ZC, Lexus подготовил и более крупный концепт LF-ZL длиной 5,3 метра метра, который уже больше похож на кроссовер. В отличие от LF-ZC, кроссовер вряд ли пойдет в серию — он лишь демонстрирует виденье будущего флагмана японской марки.

Lexus is presenting the world premiere of a series of new battery electric concept models at the first Japan Mobility Show (Tokyo, 26 October to 5 November). Taking the theme “Pushing the Boundaries of the Electrified Experience,” the company is giving a rich insight into how it will maximise the opportunities offered by electrification and new technologies to deliver fresh mobility experiences.

The Lexus booth is hosting the public debut of the LF-ZC, a battery electric sedan concept which points towards a new production model scheduled for release in 2026, and the LF-ZL, its vision for a flagship battery electric SUV.

Lexus has been a technology pioneer ever since the brand was founded in 1989 and it has a proud heritage of challenging the conventions of the luxury car market and consistently delivering new value to customers. Now established as a global luxury lifestyle brand, it continues to take up the challenge of creating cars and experiences that exceed customer expectations.

Lexus’ aim is to be a battery electric vehicle brand in Europe by 2030 and globally by 2035. To achieve this goal, it will introduce a completely new modular vehicle structure, adopt cutting-edge new production technologies and totally revise its vehicle software platform.

Functionality and beauty, without compromise

The next generation of Lexus BEVs will have more versatile packaging thanks to the downsizing and weight reduction of all their structural components. They will also benefit from the constant honing of the Lexus Driving Signature that has gone hand-in-hand with the evolution of new electrification technologies. The new concepts embody Lexus’ vision to deliver BEVs that present both functionality and beauty, without compromise.

The LF-ZC symbolises Lexus’ electrification journey, with its sleek proportions, low centre of gravity, spacious cabin and an emotionally charged design that blends functionality and aesthetics while promising an exhilarating driving experience.

The LF-ZL concept offers a glimpse into a future where mobility, people and society can be seamlessly integrated. The driving experience will be tailored to each individual, the vehicle taking hints from the driver’s habits and making personalised suggestions to foster unparalleled interaction. This flagship model aims to help empower people to live the life they want while contributing positively to their personal surroundings, the wider environment and society as a whole.

Both concept vehicles feature a next-generation fully digital intelligent cockpit that provides intuitive, quick access to essential controls in an immersive driving environment. The new Arene OS interface software will enable progressive feature updates to keep pace with the evolution of safety systems and multimedia functions.

Driving performance

In its development of next-generation BEVs, Lexus seeks to enhance the pleasure of the driving experience, making the driver feel at one with the vehicle. This includes leveraging the inherent inertia characteristics of BEVs and adding the smooth drive force control of the DIRECT4 all-wheel drive system (as featured on the current RZ 450e) and the intuitive, linear feel of a steer-by-wire system.

As the Arene OS evolves, Lexus is also committed to providing a driving experience personalised to each individual with a focus on delivering an ideal balance of acceleration, cornering and braking. The goal is to create the ultimate vehicle for each customer through a synergy of hardware and software.

Exterior design: “Provocative Simplicity”

The design theme, known as "Provocative Simplicity," represents an evolution of Lexus' unique identity, focusing on a provocative presence and refined, simple design. By prioritising aerodynamic performance and incorporating distinctive features and structures specific to BEVs, the design team strived to achieve a captivating, condensed, and low-slung form that instantly creates a sense of emotional impact.

The concept displays a sleek silhouette which extends from the low-slung bonnet, through the tapered cabin towards the rear. The flared rear wheel arches are accentuated, giving a balance between aerodynamic performance and wide stance.

The spindle body design flows from the car’s front face, continuing seamlessly along the sides of the vehicle to the rear bumper, symbolising an all-encompassing evolution of function and design through electrification.

Functional elements have been transformed into distinctive features, with integration of aerodynamic components such as air intakes and outlets. The result is an emotionally engaging exterior that delivers aerodynamic performance with no sense of the design being commoditised.

Fully digitised intelligent cockpit

Positioning the front occupants in a low, forward position creates a sense of spaciousness in the interior. The fully flat floor and panoramic roof add overhead expansiveness, resulting in an unexpectedly open interior design not evident from the exterior.

Functions that have previously been spread across a wide area of the cockpit have been consolidated on digital pads within the driver’s arm reach. Operational functions such a shifts, safety and driver assistance (ADAS) systems and drive mode selection are located on the left-hand pad while convenience features such as audio, climate control phone and AI functions are grouped on the right.

The “eyes on the road” principle is supported by a distant view meter, which projects information onto the windscreen like a head-up display. Digital side mirrors are also fitted, minimising shifts in the driver’s focus, gaze and head movement to monitor the vehicle’s surroundings, promoting concentration on the task of driving.

An ultra-wide monitor on the front passenger side can be used as an open platform for entertainment and diverse mobility applications.
Quelle: motor.ru; Lexus Press Release